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internet forum中文是什么意思

用"internet forum"造句"internet forum"怎么读"internet forum" in a sentence


  • 网路论坛
  • 网路讨论区
  • 网络论坛
  • 网上论坛
  • 网上讨论区
  • 因特网世界


  • On the significance and limitation of the internet forum discussion about mr . lu xun
  • Cyber bullying is the misuse of email systems or internet forums etc for sending aggressive flame mails
  • Two arab - americans have been hired to post on blogs and internet forums in an effort to improve america ' s image
  • The people are also entitled to browse any web sites and web pages , and exchange information through emails and internet forums
  • Most genealogy software programs can output information about persons and their relationships in gedcom format , so it can be shared with other genealogists by e - mail and internet forums or converted into a family web site using online genealogical tools such as ged2html , phpgedview , and phpmyfamily
    多数谱学软件节目可能输出信息人和他们的关系gedcom格式,因此它可能被分享与其它系谱学家由电子邮件并且互联网论坛或转换入一个家庭网站使用网上系统工具譬如ged2html , phpgedview ,并且phpmyfamily 。
用"internet forum"造句  


An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are at least temporarily archived.
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